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May contain: book, indoors, library, publication, shelf, adult, male, man, and person

This page is for the purposes of reviewing all the files currently on the website to determine which are outdated and may be archived, removed, updated or replaced. This may also serve to begin an historical timeline for the district office.


This is a working page, not currently published for Public Viewing until it is complete and likewise approved by R. Emerson, Gen. MGR

What's THIS??  (unclear, year and current day relevance) 

Bid Opening Update Website Format 2023 LS.pdfSec 14.5 Updated Drought Ordinance-B.3 Website Format 2023 LS.pdf20-001.pdf

Categories May Include:

  • Special Meetings
  • Forms or Applications
  • Calendars
  • Confidence Reports
  • Capacity Reports
  • Projects
  • Equipment
  • Draft/Proposed Orders
  • Customer Letters/Complaints/Protests
  • Press Releases
  • Agendas
  • Meetings
  • Minutes
  • Resolutions
  • Budgets
  • Audits
  • Rate Tables 
  • Legal
  • ETC...