CSDA Board of Directors Code of Ethics TRAINING
State of California Local Governments "REQUIREMENT."
California Special Districts Association Ethics AB 1234 Compliance Training.
This Code of Ethics Conduct Policy BOOKLET has the link for completing the required certification training ,to be updated annually for the Transparency and Compliance Section of the website for Garberville Sanitary District. This link is available at the bottom of the second page of the booklet.
- Follow the link www.ca-ilg.org / Institute for Local Government.
- Go to Subject Areas in the top menu.
- Scroll down three lines, and take the center panel, labeled Ethics & Transparency.
- At the second header, you will find Ethics Education / AB 1234 Training.
- Finally, you will be at the AB 1234 Self Study and ONLINE TEST page.
USE the printable Study Materials in PDF form, BEFORE going to CSDA.net to take the test online.
Your GSD Member LOGIN is waiting for you.
Use your GSD Email address as 'username'. Create your own password.
On the Front Page, scroll to "My Learning & Certificates.
SIGN IN for FREE ACCESS to your trainings.
Enter 'keyword search' AB 1234 to find 2023 Ethics AB 1234 Compliance Training WEBINAR.
The Certificates will be logged and saved in the account.
Once you have your certificate for the District Office Files, it can be scanned and uploaded to the website.
Thank You for your service to the Garberville Sanitary District and the State of California.