Monthly PRESS RELEASE July 25, 2023
Press Releases will follow shortly after each of the Open Public Sessions of GSD Monthly Board of Directors Meetings, generally scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Please See our Calendar to attend in person, to this public forum for your local water district or read the complete Agenda and Meeting Minutes. Meetings are held inside the main office located at 919 Redwood Drive, Garberville CA 95542

Regular Meeting Called to Order at 5PM Tuesday, July 25, 2023.
General Manager Report:
- On July 11th, GM received a call from the Chief of Operations: the Transfer Switch at the Water Treatment Plant had caught fire. This is what transfers electricity between PG&E and the GSD Generator. Wahlund Construction was contacted about this emergency and they sent their electrician to make the necessary repairs on July 12th.
- The GSD Operations Team presented their plan for alternative 'manual' measures until the electrician could requisition parts or a new transfer switch, to resume automatic backup electricity in case of a power outage. This prompt, albeit lengthy, response to work together to keep our Community Water Tanks full, deserves much thanks, particularly during the hot, dry summer season. THANKS GUYS!
- Board Member, CSDA 'required trainings' have free, easy online access. All the links have been sent directly to BOD. The GSD website also has the complete list of CSDA links located under Transparency.
- An additional 'General Overview' of the current Tank Replacement Project was added to the meeting as a handout, from the Consulting Project Manager.
Regular Agenda Items & General Business proceeded with full Board support and no additional Public Comments were recorded.
Agenda Items for the next Board Meeting
- SHCP Update
- Tank Replacement Project
- Use Agreement for Supplies - Ordinance 15.10
- Personnel Policy
The next Open Public Session of the GSD Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for 5PM July 25, 2023